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The optimal solution on your terms

With our skills, you are assured that the legal and financial aspects are taken into account, and our tax experts can lead cases to and with the Tax Appeals Board.

skatteinform kontor bygning set udefra

Team of Chartered Accountants and Tax Consultants

SkatteInform employees are a team of chartered accountant and tax consultants who specialize in knowledge of tax law, annual accounts law, corporate law, financial statements and tax jurisprudence. Our skills and capabilities help individuals and companies navigate complex tax law areas.

Specialization in Tax Consulting, Tax Matters, Auditing and Accounting

For years, SkatteInform has specialised in knowledge of tax law and tax jurisprudence. Our competencies ensure that tax legal and economic aspects are taken into account, and our tax advisers can conduct tax cases up to and including the National Tax Court, and obtain binding answers from the tax authorities. This can be done as we work extensively with tax matters and are in constant contact with the Swedish Tax Agency.

Our services

Et interview mellem to personer

Tax advice

Our tax advice is characterised by a thorough review of your options to optimise your tax and financial circumstances, which creates value for you and your business.
En mand som giver hånden til en kunde

Tax cases

With us as a sparring partner, you and your company get a continuous overview of the company's finances. For example, you can get an agreement with us — that your company's accounting is up-to-date on a specific day each week.
En revisior som laver regnskaber set oppe fra

Auditing and accounting

We conduct audits, reviews and extended reviews for all types of customers and industries for small and medium-sized businesses.
Tax advice

Tax advice for individuals and companies

Tax advice at SkatteInform is based on specific tax challenges and aims to create value for you and help ensure that tax law issues and matters are treated properly in accordance with applicable legislation.

Et møde mellem to personer som sidder ned
En revisor som benytter en lommeregner
Auditing and accounting

Audit, review and extended review for all types of customers

SkatteInform is a state-authorised auditing company with extensive experience in auditing and reporting financial statements. We conduct audits, reviews and extended reviews for all types of customers and industries for small and medium-sized businesses.

Our vision

Close to the customer
we find the optimal solution, on our clients’ termswe find solutions, which fit the needs of our clients
Reply within 24 hours
We always make sure to reply fast to all our inquiries
Contact: info@skatteinform.dk
Value & comfort
we take on tasks, that create value for our clientswe provide dedicated, high-quality customer service

Vores Succeshistorier

Hold dig opdateret på vores nyeste successhistorier og ajourfør dig med nyheder indenfor vores arbejde.

Our team

SkatteInform employees are a team of chartered accountant and tax consultants who specialize in knowledge of tax law, accounting, and tax jurisprudence.


Inge Nilsson
Certified Public Accountant


Taylan Secilmis
MSc Merc.FIR (Finance & Accounting)


Grethe Pedersen
Accounting Assistant


William Nilsson
Candidate of Polit, Master of Taxes


Berkay Sonmez


Emma Dammark Johansen
Accounting- and taxconsultant

Get an overview on your taxes

On the Limits and Rates pages, SkatteInform provides you with information that makes it easier to get an overview of the tax. You can use the information as guidelines, but in specific cases, unfortunately, we cannot take responsibility for dispositions you make on the basis of the information on this website.

We are at your disposal for any questions you may have with regard to tax matters. Through many years of experience and countless cases, we have specialized knowledge in the field of taxation.

See all limits and rates