SkatteInform are experts in advising on the choice of corporate scheme versus the choice of taxation under the Capital Return Scheme or the Personal Tax Act, as well as advising on the choice of company type.
If you are considering or doing business you can choose taxation under the Corporate Tax Act. This law has two taxation regimes: the corporate scheme and the capital return scheme.
What is the capital return scheme?
The capital return scheme is the simple taxation regime, which places fewer requirements on the division of your private finances and the finances of your business enterprise.
Why choose the corporate scheme versus the return on capital scheme?
If you are a full-time business, it will almost always be preferable to opt for the Enterprise Scheme rather than the Return on Capital Scheme. When choosing the company scheme, they get the opportunity to be taxed in almost the same way as if you do business as a company.
Points of attention by company form
By company form, these are a number of traps that you need to be aware of. In return, you are only limited liable for debts unless the bank or other creditors ask for full bail for any overdraft.
Contact us to get advice on the choice of company type and establishment advice and get elucidated the advantages and disadvantages of the possible types of taxation in your situation.
We want to help you so that you have more time to get started with your business and thus avoid the tax traps.