Services at SkatteInform


SkatteInform have a team of State-Authorized Accountants

SkatteInform’s employees are a team composed of State-Authorized Accountants and a few talented tax consultants, who specialize in tax law, the Danish Financial Statements Act, the Danish Companies Act, accounting and fiscal case-law.

With our expertise, we ensure that both the legal and economic aspects of your case are taken into consideration. Our tax experts can bring cases all the way up to the National Tax Tribunal. 

We have extensive experience and expertise within tax consultancy, tax cases, auditing and accounting. Over the years, we have used our strengths to help individuals and companies of all sizes, in every industry which has given us an in-depth experience in the tax field. Tax cases can be complex. But with many years of experience and countless cases, we are allowed to call us Denmark's most specialized tax auditors. 

Among other things, we can help you with:

Skatterådgivning og hjælp af statsautoriseret revisor

Tax Advice

- Personal tax/ Filing tax returns

- Company tax

- Ex- and Repatriation

- Consultancy and optimization


- Tax cases

skatterådgivning af statsautoriseret revisor i skattesag

Auditing and Other Opinions

- Analysis/ Review


- Assistance with financial     statements


- Declare taxable income

Statsautoriseret revisor - Revision og regnskab for selskaber


- Bookkeeping


- Payroll management


- Billing


- Administration of salaries


- VAT declaration and administration